


Chilifest was conceived as a chili cook-off in 1991, and the competition has continued every year since. This has also included the presence of country/rock bands, providing entertainment for all those in attendance. However, with the continuous expansion of the live music element of the event, the majority of anticipation is dedicated to the talent level of the musicians that come to perform at Chilifest Music Festival. There is always Chili at Chilifest. This year our Chili Cook-Off will be bigger and better offering teams some incentives to want to participate even more by getting a Chilifest Team together.

**You have to be a registered team in order to participate in our competition**
Step 1

Sign Up On Google Doc

Step 2

Click Buy Tickets

step 3

Purchase Cookoff Bundle


1st place

+ 4 VIP Tickets to Chilifest 2024

2nd place
3rd place


  • Chili must be cooked at the Chilifest venue on the day of the cookoff. It should be cooked from the raw basic ingredients such as raw meat, individual spices (no premixed spice packets to just add meat) and should be cooked in the open where it can be seen.
  • There shall be no fillers such as beans, rice, pasta, potatoes, etc.
  • The cooking area and methods should be as sanitary as possible. Cooks are subject to sanitary inspection by the chili judges or their designees.
  • Cooks will taste their own chili in the presence of the chili judges upon submission.
  • There can be only one chili submission per chili team and only one batch of chili cooked from which a 16 oz sample will be submitted for judging.
  • There can be only one chili submission per chili team and only one batch of chili cooked from which a 16 oz sample will be submitted for judging.
  • The team must be formally signed up at the venue or online at pre registration link posted on the facebook Chilijudging Facebook Page.
  • Submission slips must be signed by the chili team cook.
  • Only one judging cup will be given and chili teams are responsible for submitting untampered with and unmutilated in any way. Any submission cup that is altered in any way will be disqualified.
  • Cups must be filled to about a half inch from the top or to the level specified by the judges.
  • Chili will be submitted at the place and time designated by the judges- no late submissions will be allowed.


Chilifest was conceived as a chili cook-off in 1991, and the competition has continued every year since. This has also included the Chili will be judged on a 50 point scale, with 5 categories, each category being worth 10 points each. The 5 categories include:

  • Color
  • Aroma
  • Consistency
  • Taste
  • Aftertaste
Judging will be anonymous to prevent any bias in judging.

Get your tickets now!