Note: Please carefully read through all changes so you are properly prepared for sign-ups and Chilifest 2025
The Basics: A minimum of 15 members are required for a team. Each team “spot” is a 20×20 plot on the Chilifest event grounds conveniently located within seconds of the stage. We have many larger teams that request multiple “spots”. This is acceptable as long as the 15 people per spot minimum is met and fully paid for by March 6, 2025. Spot selection will be held shortly after, and a Chilifest representative will contact you with more information. After spot selection, you may continue to add team members all the way up to the event but your spot will be set. The number of spots is not guaranteed and will vary depending on the total size of your team and the total number of patrons that attend the event.
Example: Captain of ‘Chilifest Team A’ has 90 members signed up by February 25th. The Captain will only be required to fill out ONE FORM FOR CHILIFEST 2025 and the team can request 1-6 spots.